If you have come to this website it is probably because:
You or someone you know has cancer
You have an inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn’s or Ulcerative Colitis
You are seeking information on a proper healthy diet
You want info on how to lose weight properly
You are seeking information on Statin medications and if you should be taking them
You are seeking information on “cholesterol” and why your doctor feels that Total Cholesterol level along with HDL and LDL matters
That information is provided here along with published peer reviewed studies to provide a basis for what is stated. If you should have a question, feel free to contact me at Keto4CA@gmail.com.
Scott B. Porter MD
Cancer is primarily a metabolic disease. There are genetic components, but virtually ALL cancers share the same metabolic defects. This was discovered by Dr. Otto Warburg and is known as the “Warburg Effect”. Cancer cells rely on sugars to survive. In technical terms they up-regulate glycolysis to make energy and down-regulate oxidative phosphorylation. Cancer cells exhibit damaged and far fewer mitochondria.
Since the discovery of DNA, research has focused on genetic therapies. For over 30 years this approach has been tried and failed. It is my goal to focus on research and therapies on the one common link among all cancers - their fundamental use of sugar as their energy source.
I do not advocate stopping the cancer therapies that have been developed. I wish to add adjuvant therapies to enhance those being used. This is where the “KETO” is involved. A ketogenic diet is a high fat, medium protein, low carbohydrate diet. It starves cancers of their primary fuel source.
There has been research on using “sugar substitutes” involved in the glycolytic pathway (sugar breakdown pathway). The most successful has been 3-Bromopyruvate.
Cancer can survive on glutamine as well, which is an amino acid. But, the easiest strategy for the layperson with cancer to do is to get on a ketogenic diet!
Glutamine-Blocking Drug Slows Tumor Growth And Strengthens Anti-Tumor Response
Low Carb 4 Metabolic Health
What is metabolic health? It encompasses the overall processing and utilization of energy from the cellular to systemic levels in the body.
It can be “measured” in a number of ways like blood sugar levels, lipoprotein counts, blood pressure, weight, inflammatory markers, etc.
What I wish to delve into is how the macronutrients one eats (fats, carbs and protein) affect the cellular machinery and those systemic effects. In other words, how does diet affect one’s health? What is the proper human diet? Why are Americans one of the sickest people in the world? I will hope to define these by looking at what we eat and why…what have been the social forces leading Americans in this direction.
And yes, this includes big food, big pharma, big sugar, big agra and their relationships with our government. Good metabolic health helps to put in remission and prevent chronic diseases and cancer.
Processed foods, sugars and seed oils have destrroyed health in America. I believe low carb diets are our solution. Whether it is carnivore, ketogenic or vegetarian, keeping carbohydrates low and reducing the amount of Omega-6 fatty acids in our diet will make us healthier.
Disclaimer - although this site details medical information and research, it in no way is medical advise. DO NOT act on any of this information without consulting your doctor. DO NOT make changes in diet, medications, exercise or lifestyle without consulting a medical professional.
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